Exquisite colors in Western North Carolina
Landscape photography should be a slow, mindful, deliberate affair, but so often it only happens by the slimmest margins. I was running errands when I heard one small section of the Parkway reopened that day. I did not have time to check the weather forecast, but managed to finish my last errand with just enough time to race to that Parkway entrance and get to a nice overlook in time for one of the most interesting sunsets of my 2023m. The times when you work hard to get to a nice spot for sunset only to get dark grey clouds everywhere or to find the gates were closed and the road inaccessible tend to stick with you. But sometimes you go out on a whim and get floored by what you see. I think the lesson is to just spend as much time outdoors as possible.
Type | Canvas, Metal, Framed Print, Art Print |
Print Size | 8" x 12", 12" x 18", 16" x 24", 24" x 36" |