I Saw the Sign


Brilliant light through the mist in Pisgah National Forest.

On this day I had been out on the hunt for some wildflowers in the mountains when it started raining pretty hard, and I packed it in. The rain stopped during a break on the trip home, while I was parked off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. I looked over and saw the mist moving through the trees and putting on this amazing display. I also saw a black bear crossing that gravel road and wandering up into the woods just past the road sign on the right. So, I had to sit in the car for a few minutes and just watch the light show, camera in hand, hoping that it would continue on long enough for me to give the bear the space it needed (my top priority) and still get an image of this. As it turned out I had time for about three or four photos, but this first one being the strongest by far. Sometimes trying to get a photograph of the things I see during all my hours in the national forests and parks adds a huge amount of stress to what would otherwise be a really grounded and meditative lifestyle. Maybe as I age I will get better at keeping it grounded and meditative while still capturing these fleeting moments.


Canvas, Metal, Framed Print, Art Print

Print Size

8" x 12", 12" x 18", 16" x 24", 24" x 36"

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