Anticrepuscular Rays above a Frozen Grassy Bald


A colorful winter sunset in the Blue Ridge Mountains with anticrepuscular rays above a snow and ice-covered landscape.

Taking in a vibrant winter sunset is one of my favorite experiences, even without the anticrepuscular rays in this particular sunset. I came to this same spot the evening before and found it completely covered by a cloud (“socked in” as they say), so I didn’t even get out of my car to do any part of the hike. It made it even more of a pleasure to come back the next night and see those clouds that wrecked my hiking plans the night before were now frozen to every surface in sight and formed all of this rime ice/hoarfrost. This photograph was captured by an ecstatic photographer in other words.


Canvas, Metal, Framed Print, Art Print

Print Size

8" x 12", 12" x 18", 16" x 24", 24" x 36"

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